Constructs a new address from a string.
Constructs a new address from another one.
Constructs a new address from a container list.
Checks if the given address match the current one.
Adds a container at the end of the address.
Checks if the object is the same as the current instance.
Access to a container in the address.
Removes the last container (or the method) of the address.
Removes the first container of the address.
Adds a container to the end of the address.
Adds a container to the start of the address.
Copies the container range.
Sets the method of the address.
Converts the address to a string.
Gets the last container (or the method) of the address.
Returns the address of the container.
Checks if the container range is empty.
Gets the first container of the address.
Is the current address a container ?
Is the current address a method ?
Is the current address "/" ?
Returns the number of containers (including the method) in the address.
Returns the method's name of the address.
Sets the method's name of the address.
A parsed OSC address, splitted in multiple parts.